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Attractions Books for $15 or $20 each

Attractions Books for $15 or $20 each [1]

Photograph Credit: Attractions Dining and Value Guide

In finishing our Scheduling 2014 series yesterday [2], we focused on feeding our families. One fabulous find for our family has been our Attractions Dining and Value Guide [1].

In October of 2013, I paid $20 and purchased the 2013 Attractions book and received the 2014 Attractions book for FREE.

Having never used these books, I wanted to try them out. Well, I’m impressed. The book contains high valued coupons for a combined savings over $6,000.

Last year, we used coupons for FREE pizza, FREE meals, FREE desserts, and FREE entertainment. Though we did not use half of the coupons in the 2013 book, I definitely saved more than $20 on the savings used.

Each book is designed for your local area in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina with all offers valid until December 31, 2014. The coupons include places for formal dining, casual dining, informal dining, and fun. In addition to the coupons within the book, you can register your book online for additional savings.

While supplies last, all Attraction books are $5 off their regular price. As the books are either $20 or $25 depending on your area, you can purchase Attractions books for $15 or $20 each. When we purchased ours, I purchased a second set for my in-laws as these books make great gifts.

We keep our book in our vehicle. I have found that when our plans change, I turn to these coupons to feed our family without paying full price. These options are great for date nights, family nights, and going out with friends. We also enjoy trying new places, and having a coupon encourages our adventurous tendencies.

If you or someone you know could benefit from the Attraction book, then check it out [1]. You can even view the coupon savings before purchasing.

If you prefer ordering over the phone, call 1-800-897-1004, and the representative can answer any questions prior to purchasing. Happy savings while using time wisely with those you love!

Question: Do you use the Attractions books?