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After Crossing the Finish Line

After Crossing the Finish Line [1]

Photograph Credit: Microsoft Images

Like a runner who trains for the big race and puts all her efforts into finishing strong, we have been preparing our important documents file for a completed system. After crossing the finish line, we celebrate [2] and maintain just like the runner who continues to run after the race.

Maintenance on your important document system will depend on how often you deal with these items. I usually have one or more documents to add or change within our system each month. Some additions and changes include:

Besides the monthly maintenance, I try to go through our entire important document file once a year where I check each set of documents for accuracy and make sure all our information is up-to-date.

On my next big maintenance check, I need to update the address of a beneficiary. He recently moved, and I will need to make sure all the accounts where he is named have the correct address to prevent any discrepancies or delays in payment or distribution.

This process is on-going. But once the system is in place, the maintenance phase is quite simple compared to the setup and preparation phase. Just like the runner who is already in shape, the maintenance process is easier than the original training.

You ran a great race, crossed the finish line, and entered into the maintenance phase. Having just setup your file, you can take a break until you need to add or change a document within your file.

Going through your entire system may not need to occur until next year. For now, enjoy your accomplishment as you endured through a large organization process. Congratulations!

Question: How does it feel to just maintain?