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Establishing a Morning Routine

Establishing a Morning Routine [1]

Photograph Credit: Microsoft Images

Dusting off the alarm clock from its summer break, our family is gearing up for the start of the school year.

We started with our evening routine [2] tonight to help our family transition into early mornings for the upcoming start of school.

Honestly, I’m torn. I really enjoy having my kids home and running around playing at the park, going on outings with friends, and hanging out without a set schedule for the summer.

On the other hand, I also like the scheduled routine of school and watching my children learn and grow in their knowledge and application of that knowledge.

While using time wisely this summer, we have had a great time. As we wind down, we will implement our morning routine.

Our Morning Routine

To start off our mornings, Paul and I rise before the children. This gives us time to get ourselves ready and to have some peace and quiet. We typically rise 20 – 30 minutes prior to waking the children.

Wake Up

After Paul and I get ready, we divide and conquer. We each take a room either the nursery or the older kids’ room. Once everyone is up and working on getting ready, Paul heads downstairs to make breakfast. I remain upstairs to oversee brushing teeth, helping with buttons and zippers, and untying knots from stubborn tennis shoes.


Once everyone is dressed, we head downstairs with their drinks from the prior night. When breakfast is ready, the children go to the table and eat. Daddy gives each of us a kiss and hug before heading out to work.

While the children eat, I pack their lunches and snacks and write their lunch notes [3] for the day. If I have time to eat my breakfast, then I do. If not, I take it with me on the way to school.


As the children finish breakfast, they ask to be excused and clear off their places. They help me clear the table and rinse the dishes. Depending on the day, some eat quicker than others, so my routine is flexible. After breakfast, I become a hair dresser.


Brushing each of their hair and styling it, I work on a first come, first served basis. Once their hair is groomed, they put their lunch boxes in their backpacks and head to the van. I will finish any last minute clean up and make sure all the bags are missing from their assigned places (more on this coming in the afternoon routine).

Leave for School

If I still need breakfast, then I take it with me along with my purse. I help the preschooler buckle into the van, and then we head to school which concludes our morning routine.

Establishing a Morning Routine

Similar to our evening routine [2], our morning routine contains the same set of activities in the same order. The repetition gives an ebb and flow to our mornings. Without our morning routine (think Sunday mornings), we are out of sync, and we take more time going back and forth getting items we need.

In establishing a morning routine, I find these tips helpful:

1. Wake up before children. I’m a late owl, so I do not rise early. However, I need a little quiet to myself before starting the day. Even 15 minutes is great for focusing on the task ahead.

2. Build in extra time. Some days will have more hiccups than others. With a little extra time built in, you won’t be scrambling to get out of the house.

3. Use a meal planner for lunches. With a plan [4] and supplies on hand, you can make or gather the items for lunches quickly without having to send money for pizza at the last minute. I also keep sausage on a stick packages in the freezer for mornings that need a quick breakfast we can eat in the van.

4. Give yourself grace. Chaos is going to happen at some point. Whether milk gets spilled, the phone rings, or the car won’t start, try to relax. Prepare for what you know is coming, and then handle the surprises as they come.

In using time wisely to prepare for the start of school, we are establishing a morning routine. With a plan in place that meets our family’s needs, we will repeat the sequence of events. We might still have our eyes closed, but the memory of our routine will kick into gear.

As you work through establishing a morning routine, start with a successful evening routine to get your day off to a great start. Happy discovering!

Question: What helps your mornings go smoothly?