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Personal: Children’s Documents

[1]Are you ready to complete the second category in organizing our documents [2]? I thought you might be ready to reach a milestone.

Thus far, we have filed our important personal documents in the accordion file slots: four [3], five [4], and six [5].

Today, we commence the final slot in this category . . . my children’s documents housed in the seventh opening from the front of file box 1.

Though my three children are young (all ages 6 and under), they have still acquired a few personal documents. Here are the documents contained in this file slot:

Child #1:

Child #2:

Child #3:

As I obtain other certifications, transcripts, scores, and other personal documents for my children, I will probably need to expand this file. Eventually, each child will get his or her own file slot. Until that time, I keep the documents in the order of their birth in one file slot.

Yea! The personal documents category is now complete. I’m celebrating with you as you continue this journey to organize your family’s important documents. Come back next week for a checkup. Happy organizing!