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Personal: Other Certificates


Photograph Credit: Microsoft Images

As we complete the fourth file slot in our first accordion-style filing system [2], I hope you are getting energized. Organizing your personal documents will save you money, energy, and time when accessing those documents.

In this fourth slot, I have our birth certificates [3], driver’s licenses [4], passports [5], marriage license [6], voter’s registration cards [7], and our other certifications: child abuse history clearance and CPR cards and copies.

CHILD ABUSE HISTORY CLEARANCE: When Paul and I lived in Pennsylvania, Paul taught elementary through high school, and I occasionally substitute taught. As part of the school’s requirements for each teacher and substitute teacher, we filled out paperwork to obtain our clearance to teach. When we received our official clearance, I kept the originals and have placed them in this file.

HEARTSAVER CPR: During our first pregnancy, Paul and I took advantage of all the prenatal classes offered through the hospital systems in our area. The CPR class resulted in our certifications. Even though these certifications are now expired, I still keep our certification documents for the date we decide to renew.  In additional to the certification cards, I keep a copy of the cards in this file. When we renew, I will have copies of our prior certification to submit with our registration.

This concludes the items I have in the fourth file slot under the second category of Personal Important Documents. If you have completed organizing these documents, then celebrate! You are doing a great job getting these piles of paperwork sorted and organized for easy retrieval later. Next week, I’ll reveal what is housed in the fifth file slot under the Personal Important Documents category. Congratulations on staying organized!