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Using a To Do List to Keep Organized – Step 3 of 3

How is your To Do list looking? I have added a few items and crossed off others. I’m making progress, and I hope you are doing the same. Having completed STEP ONE [1] and STEP TWO [2], here are my thoughts on getting those items crossed off one project at a time.

STEP THREE: Executing my To Do list.

Sometimes I need to revise my list. When I first write down an item, I list the broad category (i.e. clean upstairs). As I work through my list, I may get 20 minutes to start cleaning. When I have completed what I could in that time (i.e. the sink and toilet in my kids’ bathroom), I will update my To Do list by adding KIDS’ BATHROOM – CLEAN TUB AND FLOORS. I still keep CLEAN UPSTAIRS, but now I know what I still need to clean.

Most of my projects are done in sections. When my kids need me, I take time to spend with them. As they find something to play alone or with each other, then I can get a few minutes to tackle 1 or 2 items on my To Do list. By updating my list, I am better able to keep track of what I have done and what I still need to complete.

SIDE BENEFIT: With additional items on the list, you get to cross-off more items. Do you enjoy having items to cross-off your list? My husband loves to add items to his To Do list after completing tasks, just so he can cross off the item. He can quickly fill a legal-size sheet of paper. Silly guy! I’m just thankful he stays motivated as he crosses off the substantial items on his To Do list.

My To Do list saves me time since I do not stop to think about what needs to be done. Remember, I am task-oriented [3], and I need my To Do list to remind and guide me in using my time wisely. For those of you who are goal-oriented [3], how do you organize? Do you use a To Do list, calendar, or just handle things as they come? I’m interested to hear how you keep it together. Please leave a comment with your tips for staying-on-top  of your responsibilities. In reading the comments, someone else may benefit from your suggestion.